Reflections on God’s Love

The people we read about in Scripture were people just like us. They had hopes, fears, dreams, goals, thoughts, opinions, successes, failures, strengths, relationships, struggles, emotions, burdens, worries, joys, and in-the-moment responses and reactions to the things that happened to them. Ask God to lead you and your imagination as you do the following exercise.

Take a few minutes and read through John 8:2-12. Imagine yourself there in the story, or watching it happen as if you really were there 2000 years ago. Really put yourself there inside the story! Put yourself inside the ancient Jewish temple courts early in the morning. Feel the warm sand under your feet, picture the beautiful sunrise, see the crowds gathering, and feel the cool gentle morning breeze on your face. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your God-given imagination as you read the story. Let Him place you in the crowd, or in the shoes of one or more of the characters. Maybe He’ll have you observe the story from a distance. After doing this, ponder these questions:

a.    What was it like to put yourself in the story, or to imagine yourself there watching it happen?

b.    What were you thinking and feeling each twist and turn along the way?

c.    What do you think the people in the story thought and felt each twist and turn along the way?

d.    What character(s) did you relate with the most and why?

e.    What were the major moments that stood out for you? Why were they significant for you?

f.      What is something that surprised you in the story?

g.    What have you learned about God’s love for you through this story?

h.    What have you learned about the finished work of Jesus through this story?

What I love about this story is that it is really a picture of the Gospel and how God deals with your sin and mine as those who have placed our faith in Christ. It shows us how He deals with your sin as His child. In Revelation 12:10 the Bible Calls Satan the accuser of the brethren. He drags us before God just like the Pharisees dragged the woman before Jesus and he points out all our sin:

            “Look what (your name here) thought today, look what they did today, look what they wanted, and what they didn’t do when they should have! Look what (your name here) is addicted to, look at the temptations they give into time and time again, etc.…! It is written in Your Word Jesus that (your name here) deserves death! The wages of sin is death! You can’t accept him/her nor allow them to live! You certainly can’t accept them into Your kingdom or family! You can’t let their sin go unpunished they’re not worthy!”

But do you know what Jesus does while Satan accuses you?... He ignores the accusations completely just like He ignored the Pharisees. When Satan persists just like the Pharisees persisted, Jesus stands up for you just like He stood up for the woman and He silences the accusations with His Word! He says:

“I lived a perfect Holy, Righteous, and obedient life in (your name here)’s place and earned their way into the Kingdom for them (Rom 10:4)! I died on the cross for their sins so that they could be forgiven and cleansed (1 John 2:2, Heb 10:14)! Through My death on the cross the sinful, unacceptable (your name here) was crucified (Rom 6:6). That is no longer who they are! And through My resurrection they have been made new, Holy, Righteous and one with Me forever (2 Cor 5:17, Rom 5:1, Eph 4:24, 1 Cor 6:17). I say who (your name here) is, and I say they are new, clean forgiven, Holy, Righteous, My son/daughter in whom I am well pleased (Matt 3:17). I say there is no condemnation at all for those who are in Me (Rom 8:1)! I say it is finished (John 19:30).

He makes your sin an issue between you and Him only, He removes it from you as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12), He looks you in the eyes and says: “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more…” In other words, go and walk in the freedom from sin He has won for you (Rom 6:7) The only One with the right to condemn you refuses to condemn you because He was condemned in your place and now stands forever in your defense (Heb 7:25). The you that was worthy of wrath is dead, and a new heaven-ready person has taken their place, so heaven ready you’re already seated with Jesus at the right hand of the Father on High (Eph 2:5-6).

Let us worship our amazing Saviour Who is stronger! Stronger than Satan, stronger than our sin, stronger than death itself!

In His grace:



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