“Why God?”

Has there ever been a more asked question than “Why God?” It is a question that is often asked in the wake of a tragedy such as when a loved one dies unexpectedly, a prayer for a miracle to cure a loved one is not fulfilled or when we see the destruction of a natural disaster such as the recent earthquake in Nepal.

Sometimes, often in hindsight, we discover that God had a plan and is greater than the tragedy we have faced. But more often than not, we receive no answer.

But have you ever asked the question “Why God?” in terms of why He would choose to die for someone like you and I? What motivated Father and Son to conspire and send Jesus to earth as a man with the goal that He would suffer and die at the hands of murderous, wicked men in order to save them and us, sinners who were children of wrath, deserving of damnation? Why God?

David asked this question in Psalm 8. Looking up into the night sky and seeing the stars and moon and how big God must be to make all this, he asks, “What is man that You take thought of him, and son of man that You care for him?” How is it that He would care so deeply about a world full of rebellious people that did not seek Him or love Him?

Fortunately God made sure to answer this “Why God?” question. I wonder if it maybe the most important “Why God” question out there based on the number of passages in scripture that God makes the answer clearly known to us. So what would motivate a holy and perfect God to suffer and rescue a sinful world?

Love. He loved and loves you.

Do you see it? The answer was not so that we would have another chance at living a clean life without sin and failure. It was not to have a group of people to worship Him. It was not so that He could boast in His power and ability. It was not that we would create a large movement with people singing His praises. It was not that we would build churches and fill them each and every Sunday. It was simply, God loved and loves you.

It was not “God will love you on the condition that you hold up some part of the bargain, that you act good and not embarrass Him.” No. It was while we were yet sinners God demonstrated, proved, displayed, screamed from the Heavens about how much He loves you in sending His Son to suffer and die for us. (see Romans 5:8)

Why is this so important? Because being loved is so crucial to all of us. It is something all of us desperately seek and need and God desires to satisfy, for only He can. The danger is when we do not look to God to satisfy that the hunger for love, we consume, use and sometimes devour those around us for it. For until you know that God is your only source of love, you will manipulate and demand it from others. But when you experience His love, you can’t contain it, it will flow out of you to others, giving them a taste of what motivated Jesus to suffer and die for them.

In Christ who is our Life,



