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God, a Prophet, and a Prostitute
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

God, a Prophet, and a Prostitute

The book of Hosea is an incredible picture of God’s relationship with many of His people. Hosea was a prophet to the nation of Israel during a time of rebellion and idol worship. God decided that the best way to reveal their sin and turn them back to Himself was to show them their error through the life of Hosea.

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Was It a Consequence or a Punishment?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Was It a Consequence or a Punishment?

This was the command that changed everything for mankind. For this was the one command that God gave Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. And it was the one act of breaking this one command that placed all of mankind under the dominion of sin and death.

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What Does it Mean to be Free?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

What Does it Mean to be Free?

Growing up the in the church I heard a lot of phrases used over and over again. Phrases that at one time were powerful statements of truth, but then as they were used again and again without further explanation they became empty clichés. Phrases that were repeated in order to sound spiritual, but no real power because they lost their meaning.

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Get to Give
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Get to Give

When I had just entered into university at the age of 18, like most people my age, I was still grappling with trying to wrap my head around some of the great mysteries of life. Important questions such as how does my faith in Christ apply to my everyday life, will my life make a difference in this big world and the unanswerable one – why was disco so popular in the 70’s.

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Who is Your Foundation?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Who is Your Foundation?

On a bright sunny day without a cloud in sight and no wind to speak of, you probably wouldn’t be able to discern any difference between the two. They would both be beautiful homes to live in, to raise a family in, to rest in. Maybe the one built upon sand would be even nicer with it’s proximity to the beach!

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God Wants More for You Than You Want for Yourself
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

God Wants More for You Than You Want for Yourself

Sixty-five years ago the world was introduced to an instant classic by C.S. Lewis with the release of a much beloved book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” Aslan, the Pevensie children and the land of Narnia have continued to be strongly loved with each generation since and have included six more books in the series by Lewis and various movie adaptations

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Finding Strength in Weakness
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Finding Strength in Weakness

Weakness. Nobody enjoys feeling it. Society, at best, pities it; at worst, it condemns it. We often try and hide it, afraid what others will think about us if they ever found out about it. When asked about our weaknesses during a job interview we make up something silly like, “I work too hard.” or “As a perfectionist I need to do everything perfectly and on time.“

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Feeling Thirsty?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Feeling Thirsty?

Imagine I walked up to you on a warm day and offered you a cool glass of fresh sewer water. Would you drink it? Assuming you are not the type to do anything on a dare, the normal response would be to say, “No way! I would never drink that stuff.”

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Sanctification and Healing
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Sanctification and Healing

We live in a broken world. You don’t have to look far to see that things are not what God made them to be in the Garden of Eden. It could be a terminal or debilitating illness, loss of loved ones, difficulties with those around you, inability to find a job, or haunted by your past from the sin and failures of yourself or others towards you, we all face troubles and trials in this world.

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Why God?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Why God?

“Why God?” Has there ever been a more asked question than “Why God?” It is a question that is often asked in the wake of a tragedy such as when a loved one dies unexpectedly, a prayer for a miracle to cure a loved one is not fulfilled or when we see the destruction of a natural disaster such as the recent earthquake in Nepal.

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The Rich Young Ruler
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

The Rich Young Ruler

There is an abundance of resources available to aid people in the area of evangelism, of how to share your faith in a way that leads others to Christ for salvation. I am sure that they would all agree that the best scenario would be one where the person who is lost asks the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” For this question is from someone that is presumably ready to make a decision for Jesus and simply needs to be taught how.”

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God’s Judo Flip
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

God’s Judo Flip

Growing up I remember loving the original ‘Karate Kid’ movie. Like most young kids at the time, seeing an awkward kid learn from Mr Miyagi how to fight against bullies and overcome their attacks led me to want to try my own ‘crane kick’ in my backyard.

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Bread from Heaven
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Bread from Heaven

God does not waste anything. He uses every opportunity to teach and develop within us a greater trust upon Him. That’s because trust is a basic element of every relationship. Take a moment and examine your own relationships.

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Loved by God
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Loved by God

A well known theologian was once asked what was the most important truth that he had ever learned during his studies. His answer was as simple as it was profound, “Jesus loves me, this I know.”

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Dying to Self
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Dying to Self

Some marketing campaigns are based on the premise that if you repeat something enough times it becomes the dominant belief. Sometimes this is used with ill intentions by repeating a mistruth over and over again until people just assume it is the truth. These misinformation campaigns are often seen in political campaigns, whether they are done by special interest groups, lobbyists or the political parties themselves.

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Impersonating Martha Stewart
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Impersonating Martha Stewart

Imagine you are hosting a fancy dinner party at your home for some important friends. And wanting to make it a really special night, you decide to go all out and make, from scratch, some super, fancy, extravagant, over the top, “I can’t believe you made that!” dessert from your new Martha Stewart cookbook “Perfect Dinner Party’s by Martha Stewart.”

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How to Glorify God
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

How to Glorify God

Beginning in John chapter 13 is the account of what is commonly referred to as the Last Supper. It includes the final discourse of teaching by Jesus to His disciples before He was crucified. After washing the disciples’ feet (displaying what it means to love another) and telling them (again) what was about to happen to Him on the cross, Jesus shared some final words.

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What is Your Goal?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

What is Your Goal?

Many people see the start of a New Year as a fresh start. It is a time when many people set goals for what they would like to see or achieve in the next 12 months. For some, it is a time to stroke off some more items on their bucket list. For others, it is a chance to wipe away the bad habits of the previous year and start off with new healthy habits.

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