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A Suggestion for God
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

A Suggestion for God

Yesterday our government released the details of the federal budget. And like the Ontario government earlier this week and every other government and business in the world, they hope to be able to save money through finding greater operational efficiency. Meaning, they hope to be able to do more for less simply by doing things better and smarter.

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My Favourite Verse
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

My Favourite Verse

I have a surprise for you. My favourite verse is Galatians 2:20. Ok, if you know me or much about the ministry of Crossways to Life then that probably didn’t surprise you, knock you off your seat or cause you to spit out your morning coffee. (If it did I apologize.)

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Is Grace Cheap?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Is Grace Cheap?

“You think I’m teaching cheap grace? That’s too bad. I was trying to teach that grace is free!” That was the remark I heard once from someone teaching a conference on grace. But is that really true? Is grace really free? Well the answer depends.

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