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Jesus Came to Save, But From What?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Jesus Came to Save, But From What?

Christmas is probably my most favourite time of year. For many people Christmas includes decorations, eating lots of turkey, many different gatherings with family and friends, eating more turkey, drinking hot chocolate, gift-giving/receiving and eating turkey leftovers. It is rightfully seen as a time of celebration, hope and cheer as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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Everyone is Selling Something
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Everyone is Selling Something

In our world today it is hard to find a moment when something is not being sold to us. When you are on the internet there are ads either on the side or popping up trying to sell you a blender, a vacation, or some new diet fad. When you ride the subway, bus or even driving in a car you see giant billboards advertising all matter of things such as where to eat or which car to purchase.

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Experiencing the Cross of Christ
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Experiencing the Cross of Christ

After teaching the truth of their death, burial and resurrection with Christ I am often asked by people why they never heard this truth before. And for some, the answer is they have, it just has never received the proper attention and explanation that it deserves.

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The Law in Context
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

The Law in Context

Context makes such a difference. Without a proper understanding of the context of a situation it is hard to draw the proper conclusions. For example, what conclusion do you draw from a situation where a man is holding a knife to another man’s throat? Is it a safe situation or a dangerous one?

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The Answer to Life
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

The Answer to Life

If you were to listen to Oprah, Dr Phil or many of the other personal growth guru’s, they would tell you that the answer to all you need for a life of contentment and satisfaction is in YOU. The emphasis being the YOU part. If YOU work harder, if YOU change your thinking, if YOU eat well, if YOU get enough sleep, if YOU exercise, if YOU treat others properly…then YOU will find satisfaction in this life.

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When Jesus Woke Up
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

When Jesus Woke Up

I continue to be amazed at the thought that Jesus, God Himself, came to earth and lived as a man. He was God, is God and always will be God, but while on earth He did not live as some superhero named “God-man” where He lived as God dressed up as a man. But He lived simply as a man, trusting His Father (not Himself) to be God in Him.

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Pleasing God on Judgement Day
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Pleasing God on Judgement Day

For many Christians this is a terrifying thought as their mind immediately goes to all their sins being projected onto a giant movie screen for all of Heaven to see. And while they are publicly humiliated, Jesus is either weeping or shaking His head with a disapproving, disappointing look on His face. Doesn’t that sound exciting.

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Two Kinds of Righteousness
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Two Kinds of Righteousness

Have you ever had the experience of reaching into your coat pocket and discovering a $20 bill in there that you did not know was there? Just imagine what is was like almost 500 years ago when Martin Luther rediscovered something even better, the good news of the gospel, justification by faith apart from works.

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A Different Look at Brokenness
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

A Different Look at Brokenness

The parable of the four soils is one of the more popular teachings of Jesus. It is found in three of the four gospels and is one of the few parables that Jesus interprets Himself. Jesus tells us that the soil is a picture of the heart of four different individuals and their response to the seed, which is the word of God, namely the gospel. In other words, Jesus shows us four different responses to faith in Him.

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The Significance of Easter
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

The Significance of Easter

This weekend we will celebrate the greatest victory that the world has ever seen, the cross of Jesus Christ. It is the work of the cross that is central to our faith, for it was nearly 2000 years ago that you and I were forgiven, made righteous and set free from sin, the Law, and the world. All because Jesus Christ died a death that He did not deserve, and was raised up from the grave by His Father.

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Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert


This past week in our study on the book of Galatians we were looking at chapter 3 and Paul’s six arguments why we as Christians are now to live by faith in Christ and no longer under or by the law, rules or even principles. I found it so good, I had to share it with you.

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Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert


I found this today and it is so good I had to share it. It is a quote from a message given by a man named A.B. Simpson, the founder of the Christian Missionary Alliance church who lived in the late 19th century and early 20th. Here is what he had to say about our pursuit of Jesus.

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Growing Up
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Growing Up

I trust that you enjoyed your Christmas as much as Wiarda and I did, as we celebrated with family the birth of our Saviour, Lord and Life. Much of our time thinking about the story of Christmas is often spent on the events leading up to the birth of Jesus.

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Three Small But Powerful Words
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Three Small But Powerful Words

I are engineer. That means, as you can see, the English language is a mystery to me much like women are, I live with five of them, but I still don’t understand them. With the English language, I have known it all my life, but I can still only use it in an almost passable grade 5 sort of way. I simply do not have a great understanding of the language.

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Praise Him in All Things
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Praise Him in All Things

Two weeks ago my six month old son went for some tests to determine if his kidney was improving or getting worse. In case you have not heard, while he was still in Wiarda’s womb they discovered a problem with his left kidney and ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder).

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Let’s Play a Game
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Let’s Play a Game

Let’s play a game. I am going to ask you a question and I want you to answer it as quickly as possible. (Don’t worry it’s not a skill testing question nor does it involve any math!) Ready? Here it is…

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Forgiveness and the Great Exchange
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Forgiveness and the Great Exchange

From my experience in helping people, many Christians have only a partial understanding of what it means and how to forgive another person. The result is they only experience a partial understanding of Jesus’ healing work done at the cross.

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He Did What?
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

He Did What?

Just a couple of weeks ago we were given the opportunity to see something that has never happened before – a man walked across the Niagara Falls on a high-wire, and not the small falls that our American friends have, but the large beautiful Horseshoe falls in Canada.

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Law or Grace
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Law or Grace

Recently I have been reading the writings from some of our early church fathers. These were the leaders of the church in the second and third centuries. Some were only a generation or two removed from Jesus and His disciples. In particular, I have been reading the letters of Iraeneous, who was the Bishop of Lyons towards the end of the second century.

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Long Lost Uncle George
Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert Ross Gilbert

Long Lost Uncle George

I want you to imagine something with me. Imagine you had a long-lost relative named Uncle George. He was your mother’s cousin three times removed. (I don’t know if that makes him your uncle or not, but that’s not the point of this story). Your Uncle George had lost contact with your side of the family so growing up you didn’t even know you had an Uncle George.

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